A friendly and accessible, one-of-a-kind guide to psychological research methods, Your A to Z of Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology covers over 500 key terms and explores the concepts you need to navigate quantitative and qualitative methods in psychology with ease. From a priori comparisons to z scores, it forms the perfect companion to your core research methods and statistics textbook, and is an indispensable revision guide. Terms are clearly and engagingly defined, and the authors use a selection of helpful student tips, research examples, and eye-catching figures to enrich the text. You can also refer to a comprehensive decision chart to choose the most appropriate statistical test for your analysis, and consult a range of essential tables at the back of the text.Without a doubt, this is the handy guide that students have been looking for.
Über den Autor Barbara Kingsley
Barbara Kingsley, a Cognitive Psychologist, and Julia Robertson, an Evolutionary Psychologist, are both Senior Lecturers in Psychology at Buckinghamshire New University where they lecture in research methods and statistics. Both authors, as active researchers, take a keen interest in the issues surrounding teaching research methods in Higher Education and have co-authored papers published in Psychology Teaching Review and Psychology Teaching and Learning.