Yojimbot Volume 1: Metal Silence von Sylvain Repos

CHF 25.40 inkl. MwSt.
ISBN: 978-1-5067-4551-0
Einband: Kartonierter Einband (Kt)
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In a not-too-distant future Japan, one Samurai-reenacting robot-a Yojimbot-makes the choice to help a human boy in danger. While attempting to flee an entirely robot-inhabited island, Hideo and his son Hiro are attacked by a troop of armored humans. When Hideo sacrifices himself to save his son, a lone Yojimbot stands between Hiro and his death. Joined by other Yojimbots that come to his aid, Hiro and his protectors venture across the ruined island to find the mysterious "rights holder" who may hold the key to Hiro's escape. But more dangerous foes lie between Hiro and his freedom... 

In a not-too-distant future Japan, one Samurai-reenacting robot-a Yojimbot-makes the choice to help a human boy in danger. While attempting to flee an entirely robot-inhabited island, Hideo and his son Hiro are attacked by a troop of armored humans. When Hideo sacrifices himself to save his son, a lone Yojimbot stands between Hiro and his death. Joined by other Yojimbots that come to his aid, Hiro and his protectors venture across the ruined island to find the mysterious "rights holder" who may hold the key to Hiro's escape. But more dangerous foes lie between Hiro and his freedom... 

AutorRepos, Sylvain / Noiry
EinbandKartonierter Einband (Kt)
Seitenangabe160 S.
LieferstatusLieferbar in 48 Stunden
CoverlagDark Horse Books (Imprint/Brand)
VerlagRandom House N.Y.

Über den Autor Sylvain Repos

Having graduated with a Master's degree in visual art at La Sorbonne, Sylvain Repos has always been attracted by comics. His main references are Katsuhiro Otomo, Moebius but also more contemporary artists like Rick Remender and Brian K. Vaughan. It is through works like Akira, Blade Runner, or Mad Max that he finds his inspiration. With Yojimbot, his first graphic novel, Sylvain Repos offers readers a thrilling post-apocalyptic tale where robots reign supreme.

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