Total Eclipse von Christopher Hampton

CHF 23.50 inkl. MwSt.
ISBN: 978-0-573-61692-1
Einband: Kartonierter Einband (Kt)
Verfügbarkeit: in der Regel innert 10 Werktagen lieferbar. Abweichungen werden nach Bestelleingang per Mail gemeldet.
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Christopher Hampton Drama Characters: 10 male, 5 female, plus extras Various Sets Revised version. Total Eclipse is an intelligent look at the relationship between Rimbaud and Verlaine and shows considerable insight into the bourgeois and artistic societies of the period as well as a moving understanding of homosexuality. "The first six scenes develop the contrast between the two men...and their mutual need for each other as they move th

Christopher Hampton Drama Characters: 10 male, 5 female, plus extras Various Sets Revised version. Total Eclipse is an intelligent look at the relationship between Rimbaud and Verlaine and shows considerable insight into the bourgeois and artistic societies of the period as well as a moving understanding of homosexuality. "The first six scenes develop the contrast between the two men...and their mutual need for each other as they move th

AutorHampton, Christopher
EinbandKartonierter Einband (Kt)
Seitenangabe96 S.
LieferstatusFolgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen
MasseH20.3 cm x B12.7 cm x D0.6 cm 113 g
VerlagConcord Theatricals

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