Tits & Clits 1972-1987 von Farmer Joyce

CHF 100.00 inkl. MwSt.
ISBN: 978-1-68396-683-8
Einband: Fester Einband
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The groundbreaking, women-edited comics anthology that served as an antidote and rebuke to male-dominated underground comix is now collected in a single volume for the first time.

The groundbreaking, women-edited comics anthology that served as an antidote and rebuke to male-dominated underground comix is now collected in a single volume for the first time.

AutorFarmer Joyce / Chevli, Lyn / Robbins Trina
EinbandFester Einband
AbbildungenIllustrationen, nicht spezifiziert
MasseH28.8 cm x B20.4 cm
CoverlagFantagraphics (Imprint/Brand)

Über den Autor Farmer Joyce

Joyce Farmer co-created the series Tits & Clits Comix (1972-1987), long beloved by comic lovers and more recently by feminists. She has also appeared in Wimmen's Comix (1975-1987), Wet Satin (1976-1978), ZeroZero (2000), What Right (2002), No Straight Lines (2012), Best American Comics (2012), Graphic Reproduction (2018), Drawing Power (2019), and Menopause (2020). Farmer documented her parents' aging in the graphic novel Special Exits (2010), for which she won Reuben and Inkpot awards and was nominated for the Eisner. That book has been translated into five languages. She lives in Laguna Beach, CA.

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