The Tower von Uwe Tellkamp

Tales from a Lost Country
CHF 33.90 inkl. MwSt.
ISBN: 978-0-14-197925-0
Einband: Kartonierter Einband (Kt)
Verfügbarkeit: Fremdlagertitel, Lieferzeit unbestimmt.
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In derelict Dresden a cultivated, middle-class family does all it can to cope amid the Communist downfall. This striking tapestry of the East German experience is told through the tangled lives of a soldier, surgeon, nurse and publisher. With evocative detail, Uwe Tellkamp masterfully reveals the myriad perspectives of the time as people battled for individuality, retreated to nostalgia, chose to conform, or toed the perilous line between East and West. Poetic, heartfelt and dramatic, The Tower vividly resurrects the sights, scents and sensations of life in the GDR as it hurtled towards 9 November 1989.

Uwe Tellkamp was born in 1968 in Dresden. After completing his military service, he lost his place to study medicine on the grounds of 'political sabotage'. He was arrested in 1989, but went on to study medicine in Liepzig, Dresden and New York, later becoming a surgeon. He has won numerous regional prizes for poetry, as well as the Ingeborg Bachmann Prize for The Sleep in the Clocks. In 2008, he won the German Book Prize for The Tower.

In derelict Dresden a cultivated, middle-class family does all it can to cope amid the Communist downfall. This striking tapestry of the East German experience is told through the tangled lives of a soldier, surgeon, nurse and publisher. With evocative detail, Uwe Tellkamp masterfully reveals the myriad perspectives of the time as people battled for individuality, retreated to nostalgia, chose to conform, or toed the perilous line between East and West. Poetic, heartfelt and dramatic, The Tower vividly resurrects the sights, scents and sensations of life in the GDR as it hurtled towards 9 November 1989.

Uwe Tellkamp was born in 1968 in Dresden. After completing his military service, he lost his place to study medicine on the grounds of 'political sabotage'. He was arrested in 1989, but went on to study medicine in Liepzig, Dresden and New York, later becoming a surgeon. He has won numerous regional prizes for poetry, as well as the Ingeborg Bachmann Prize for The Sleep in the Clocks. In 2008, he won the German Book Prize for The Tower.

AutorTellkamp, Uwe
EinbandKartonierter Einband (Kt)
Seitenangabe1024 S.
LieferstatusFremdlagertitel. Lieferzeit unbestimmt
MasseH19.7 cm x B12.8 cm x D6.3 cm 705 g
VerlagPenguin Books Ltd

Über den Autor Uwe Tellkamp

Uwe Tellkamp, geboren 1968 in Dresden, Romancier, Erzähler und Essayist, legte 2008 nach Erscheinen seines zweiten Romans, Der Eisvogel (2005), mit dem Roman Der Turm sein bislang umfangreichstes Prosawerk vor, in dem er die Vorwende- und Wende-Zeit der DDR zum Thema macht. Mit einem Ausschnitt aus dem Roman Der Schlaf in den Uhren gewann er 2004 den Ingeborg-Bachmann-Preis. Neben anderen Auszeichnungen wurde ihm 2008 der Uwe-Johnson-Preis, im selben Jahr der Deutsche Buchpreis und 2009 der Deutsche Nationalpreis zuerkannt. Eine Verfilmung des Turms erfolgte 2012.

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