The Time Traveller's Guide to Medieval England von Ian Mortimer

A Handbook for Visitors to the Fourteenth Century
CHF 22.90 inkl. MwSt.
ISBN: 978-1-84595-099-6
Einband: Kartonierter Einband (Kt)
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Dr Ian Mortimer is the Sunday Times bestselling author of The Time Traveller¿s Guide to Medieval England and The Time Traveller¿s Guide to Elizabethan England, as well as four critically acclaimed medieval biographies, and numerous scholarly articles on subjects ranging in date from the twelfth to the twentieth centuries.

He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society in 1998. His work on the social history of medicine won the Alexander Prize (2004) and was published by the Royal Historical Society in 2009. He lives with his wife and three children in Moretonhampstead, on the edge of Dartmoor.

Dr Ian Mortimer is the Sunday Times bestselling author of The Time Traveller¿s Guide to Medieval England and The Time Traveller¿s Guide to Elizabethan England, as well as four critically acclaimed medieval biographies, and numerous scholarly articles on subjects ranging in date from the twelfth to the twentieth centuries.

He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society in 1998. His work on the social history of medicine won the Alexander Prize (2004) and was published by the Royal Historical Society in 2009. He lives with his wife and three children in Moretonhampstead, on the edge of Dartmoor.

AutorMortimer, Ian
EinbandKartonierter Einband (Kt)
Seitenangabe352 S.
LieferstatusLieferbar in 24 Stunden
AbbildungenB-format paperback
MasseH19.8 cm x B12.9 cm x D2.2 cm 270 g
CoverlagVintage (Imprint/Brand)
ReiheIan Mortimer's Time Traveller's Guides
VerlagVintage Books UK

Über den Autor Ian Mortimer

Dr. Ian Mortimer ist der Sunday Times-Bestsellerautor von »Im Mittelalter«, »Shakespeares Welt«, und »Im Rausch des Vergnügens« sowie von vier von der Kritik hochgelobten mittelalterlichen Biografien. Im Jahr 1998 wurde er zum Fellow der Royal Historical Society gewählt. Seine Arbeit über die Sozialgeschichte der Medizin wurde 2004 mit dem Alexander-Preis ausgezeichnet und 2009 von der Royal Historical Society veröffentlicht. Er lebt mit seiner Frau und seinen drei Kindern in Moretonhampstead, am Rande des Dartmoor.

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