The Mighty Captain Marvel Vol. 3: Dark Origins von Margaret Stohl

CHF 21.50 inkl. MwSt.
ISBN: 978-1-302-90607-8
Einband: Kartonierter Einband (Kt)
Verfügbarkeit: Lieferbar in ca. 20-45 Arbeitstagen
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"As Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers has traveled to almost every inch of the planet-- and beyond. Now she's heading somewhere uncharted. Join Carol on her new cosmic journey through the past and future, as Captain Marvel takes flight in an adventure you won't want to miss. They say you can't go home again-- but what about a creepy, twisted version of your childhood home? That's where Carol finds herself-- and, as the earth-shattering secrets of her Dark Origin are finally revealed, the Marvel Universe will be forever changed. You'd think a familiar face would be comforting-- but this Peter Quill doesn't seem in a friendly mood. And then there's the conundrum of Zeta Flight. Carol learns the hard way that this mysterious group may have given her a bad reputation-- but how does it even exist?"--Back cover.

"As Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers has traveled to almost every inch of the planet-- and beyond. Now she's heading somewhere uncharted. Join Carol on her new cosmic journey through the past and future, as Captain Marvel takes flight in an adventure you won't want to miss. They say you can't go home again-- but what about a creepy, twisted version of your childhood home? That's where Carol finds herself-- and, as the earth-shattering secrets of her Dark Origin are finally revealed, the Marvel Universe will be forever changed. You'd think a familiar face would be comforting-- but this Peter Quill doesn't seem in a friendly mood. And then there's the conundrum of Zeta Flight. Carol learns the hard way that this mysterious group may have given her a bad reputation-- but how does it even exist?"--Back cover.

AutorStohl Margaret / Bandini Michele (Illustr.)
EinbandKartonierter Einband (Kt)
LieferstatusLieferbar in ca. 20-45 Arbeitstagen
AbbildungenIllustrationen, nicht spezifiziert
MasseH25.9 cm x B16.8 cm x D0.7 cm 198 g
CoverlagMarvel Comics (Imprint/Brand)

Alle Bände der Reihe "CAPTAIN MARVEL"

Über den Autor Margaret Stohl

Margaret Stohl ist eine weltweit erfolgreiche Jugendbuchautorin und hat gemeinsam mit Kami Garcia die Romanserie 'Sixteen Moons' geschrieben. Die Bücher stürmten die internationalen Bestsellerlisten, erhielten zahlreiche Preise, und wurden unter dem Titel »Beautiful Creatures - Eine unsterbliche Liebe« von Hollywoodregisseur Richard LaGravanese verfilmt. Margaret Stohl lebt mit ihrer Familien im kalifornischen Los Angeles. Mo Zuber begann nach ihrem Studium an der FU Berlin u.a. der amerikanischen Literatur mit dem Übersetzen und hat in über zwanzig Jahren Romane von Autorinnen wie Sue Monk Kidd, Laura Lippman, Jaclyn Moriarty und Marieke Nijkamp übertragen. Sie lebt und arbeitet im Rhein-Neckar-Gebiet und praktiziert und unterrichtet nebenbei Yoga.

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