The Kakos Realm von Christopher D Schmitz

Rise of the Dragon Impervious
CHF 25.90 inkl. MwSt.
ISBN: 978-1-63535-558-1
Einband: Kartonierter Einband (Kt)
Verfügbarkeit: in der Regel innert 10 Werktagen lieferbar. Abweichungen werden nach Bestelleingang per Mail gemeldet.
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Book 2 in the exciting mythopoeic Christian fantasy series: The Kakos Realm. As Rashnir and his friends look for way to escape from Grinden, the demonic prophet Absinthium crowns the warlord Rutheir as King and ratchets up pressure against his enemies. When their travel plans suddenly go awry as they wait for the return of one of the First Elves, the ranger and all of his friends find themselves trapped at the center of an old quarry and facing the unified armies of their enemies--even an army of the dead. Meanwhile, acolytes of the Order unlock the mystic fetters binding an ancient evil that once very nearly toppled even the Gathering: the Dragon Impervious--a monstrous reptile with nearly invulnerable hide. With goblins below and a dragon above, Rashnir and the faithful adherents need a miracle now more than ever.

Book 2 in the exciting mythopoeic Christian fantasy series: The Kakos Realm. As Rashnir and his friends look for way to escape from Grinden, the demonic prophet Absinthium crowns the warlord Rutheir as King and ratchets up pressure against his enemies. When their travel plans suddenly go awry as they wait for the return of one of the First Elves, the ranger and all of his friends find themselves trapped at the center of an old quarry and facing the unified armies of their enemies--even an army of the dead. Meanwhile, acolytes of the Order unlock the mystic fetters binding an ancient evil that once very nearly toppled even the Gathering: the Dragon Impervious--a monstrous reptile with nearly invulnerable hide. With goblins below and a dragon above, Rashnir and the faithful adherents need a miracle now more than ever.

AutorSchmitz, Christopher D
EinbandKartonierter Einband (Kt)
Seitenangabe332 S.
LieferstatusFolgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen
MasseH21.6 cm x B14.0 cm x D2.0 cm 470 g
VerlagChristopher D. Schmitz

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