The Intelligent Investor CD von Benjamin Graham

The Classic Text on Value Investing
CHF 29.90 inkl. MwSt.
ISBN: 978-0-06-079383-8
Einband: Audio CD (CD/SACD) (CD)
Verfügbarkeit: Lieferbar in ca. 20-45 Arbeitstagen
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The classic bestseller by Benjamin Graham, perhaps the greatest investment advisor of the Twentieth Century, The Intelligent Investor has taught and inspired hundreds of thousands of people worldwide. Since its original publication in 1949, Benjamin Graham's book has remained the most respected guide to investing, due to his timeless philosophy of "value investing," which helps protect investors against areas of (possible) substantial error and teaches them to develop long-term strategies which they will be comfortable with down the road.

Among this audio's special features are the use of numerous comparisons of pairs of common stocks to bring out their elements of strength and weakness and the construction of investment portfolios designed to meet specific requirements of quality and price attractiveness.

Read by Bill McGowan

The classic bestseller by Benjamin Graham, perhaps the greatest investment advisor of the Twentieth Century, The Intelligent Investor has taught and inspired hundreds of thousands of people worldwide. Since its original publication in 1949, Benjamin Graham's book has remained the most respected guide to investing, due to his timeless philosophy of "value investing," which helps protect investors against areas of (possible) substantial error and teaches them to develop long-term strategies which they will be comfortable with down the road.

Among this audio's special features are the use of numerous comparisons of pairs of common stocks to bring out their elements of strength and weakness and the construction of investment portfolios designed to meet specific requirements of quality and price attractiveness.

Read by Bill McGowan

AutorGraham, Benjamin / McGowan, Bill (Gelesen)
EinbandAudio CD (CD/SACD) (CD)
LieferstatusLieferbar in ca. 20-45 Arbeitstagen
MasseH15.2 cm x B13.9 cm x D1.5 cm 91 g; 166 Min.
CoverlagHarperAudio (Imprint/Brand)
VerlagHarper Collins (US)

Über den Autor Benjamin Graham

Benjamin Graham (1894–1976), the father of financial analysis and value investing, has been an inspiration for generations of the world’s most successful businesspeople. He was also the author of Security Analysis and The Interpretation of Financial Statements.

Weitere Titel von Benjamin Graham