The Holy Ghost: A Spirited Comic von Hendrix John (Illustr.)

CHF 24.90 inkl. MwSt.
ISBN: 978-1-4197-5543-9
Einband: Fester Einband
Verfügbarkeit: in der Regel innert 2-5 Werktagen lieferbar. Abweichungen werden nach Bestelleingang per Mail gemeldet.
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From the New York Times bestselling and award-winning artist John Hendrix comes this charming, funny, and thought-provoking collection of spiritual comicsDoes God exist? Is there a heaven? What's the point of it all? Do we even matter?This collection of thought-provoking, humorous comic strips is a series of conversations between a squirrel, a badger, and a friendly blue ghost who may or may not be one third of the Holy Trinity. Charming, witty, and at times poignant, yet never holier-than-thou, New York Times bestselling and award-winning illustrator John Hendrix tackles some of life's greatest questions. Whether you consider yourself faithful or a nonbeliever, these delightfully off-kilter comics deliver laughter, comfort, and philosophical musings with humble, honest spirit-and just the right dose of playful irreverence.
From the New York Times bestselling and award-winning artist John Hendrix comes this charming, funny, and thought-provoking collection of spiritual comicsDoes God exist? Is there a heaven? What's the point of it all? Do we even matter?This collection of thought-provoking, humorous comic strips is a series of conversations between a squirrel, a badger, and a friendly blue ghost who may or may not be one third of the Holy Trinity. Charming, witty, and at times poignant, yet never holier-than-thou, New York Times bestselling and award-winning illustrator John Hendrix tackles some of life's greatest questions. Whether you consider yourself faithful or a nonbeliever, these delightfully off-kilter comics deliver laughter, comfort, and philosophical musings with humble, honest spirit-and just the right dose of playful irreverence.
AutorHendrix John (Illustr.) / McDonnell, Patrick (Einf.)
EinbandFester Einband
LieferstatusLieferbar in 24 Stunden
AbbildungenFull-color illustrations throughout
MasseH23.5 cm x B19.7 cm
CoverlagAbrams ComicArts (Imprint/Brand)
VerlagAbrams & Chronicle

Über den Autor Hendrix John (Illustr.)

John Hendrix is a New York Times bestselling author and illustrator. His books include The Faithful Spy: Dietrich Bonhoeffer and the Plot to Kill Hitler, named a Best Book of 2018 by NPR, and Drawing Is Magic: Discovering Yourself in a Sketchbook. His award-winning illustrations have appeared on book jackets and in newspapers and magazines. He is chair of the MFA in Illustration & Visual Culture program in the Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts at Washington University in St. Louis. Hendrix lives in Webster Groves, Missouri.

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