The Graveyard Book von Neil Gaiman

CHF 13.50 inkl. MwSt.
ISBN: 978-0-06-053094-5
Einband: Kartonierter Einband (Kt)
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The 10th anniversary edition of The Graveyard Book includes a foreword by Margaret Atwood as well as sketches from the illustrator, handwritten drafts, and Neil Gaiman’s Newbery acceptance speech.


Nobody Owens, known as Bod, is a normal boy. He would be completely normal if he didn’t live in a graveyard, being raised by ghosts, with a guardian who belongs to neither the world of the living nor the dead. There are adventures in the graveyard for a boy—an ancient Indigo Man, a gateway to the abandoned city of ghouls, the strange and terrible Sleer. But if Bod leaves the graveyard, he will be in danger from the man Jack—who has already killed Bod’s family.

The Graveyard Book, a modern classic, is the only work ever to win both the Newbery (US) and Carnegie (UK) medals.

The 10th anniversary edition of The Graveyard Book includes a foreword by Margaret Atwood as well as sketches from the illustrator, handwritten drafts, and Neil Gaiman’s Newbery acceptance speech.


Nobody Owens, known as Bod, is a normal boy. He would be completely normal if he didn’t live in a graveyard, being raised by ghosts, with a guardian who belongs to neither the world of the living nor the dead. There are adventures in the graveyard for a boy—an ancient Indigo Man, a gateway to the abandoned city of ghouls, the strange and terrible Sleer. But if Bod leaves the graveyard, he will be in danger from the man Jack—who has already killed Bod’s family.

The Graveyard Book, a modern classic, is the only work ever to win both the Newbery (US) and Carnegie (UK) medals.

AutorGaiman, Neil / McKean, Dave (Illustr.) / Atwood, Margaret (Vorb.)
EinbandKartonierter Einband (Kt)
Seitenangabe368 S.
LieferstatusLieferbar in 48 Stunden
MasseH19.4 cm x B13.1 cm x D2.7 cm 328 g
CoverlagHarperCollins (Imprint/Brand)
VerlagHarper Collins (US)

Über den Autor Neil Gaiman

Neil Gaiman hat über 40 Bücher geschrieben, darunter Romane, Drehbücher (u.a. für AMERICAN GODS, THE SANDMAN und GOOD OMENS) und Comics, und ist mit fast jedem großen Preis ausgezeichnet worden, der in der englischen und amerikanischen Buch- und Comicszene existiert. Mit der Neuerzählung der nordischen Sagen ist ein Traum für ihn wahr geworden.

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