The Goon: Bunch of Old Crap Volume 2: An Omnibus von Eric Powell

CHF 36.50 inkl. MwSt.
ISBN: 978-1-949889-93-2
Einband: Kartonierter Einband (Kt)
Verfügbarkeit: Neuauflage/Nachdruck unbestimmt
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From mad scientists to interdimensional chickens with teeth to a heart breaking betrayal, Lonely Street comes under all manner of threats both tragic and hilarious in this second omnibus volume of The Goon.

A mysterious new figure has entered the crime scene and is taking out the Goon’s business operations one by one―systematically intercepting shipments, murdering contacts, and alienating friends. As Goon struggles to keep the city’s organized crime under his control, his mind is haunted by the memories of his darkest moments . . . Collects The Goon Volumes 4–6 and full of bonus material!

From mad scientists to interdimensional chickens with teeth to a heart breaking betrayal, Lonely Street comes under all manner of threats both tragic and hilarious in this second omnibus volume of The Goon.

A mysterious new figure has entered the crime scene and is taking out the Goon’s business operations one by one―systematically intercepting shipments, murdering contacts, and alienating friends. As Goon struggles to keep the city’s organized crime under his control, his mind is haunted by the memories of his darkest moments . . . Collects The Goon Volumes 4–6 and full of bonus material!
AutorPowell, Eric / Powell, Eric
EinbandKartonierter Einband (Kt)
Seitenangabe496 S.
LieferstatusNeuauflage/Nachdruck unbestimmt
MasseH25.7 cm x B17.2 cm x D2.0 cm 948 g
CoverlagAlbatross Funnybooks (Imprint/Brand)
VerlagDiamond US

Über den Autor Eric Powell

Eric Powell; Tracy March; Jason Ciaramella; Phil Hester; Vicotr Santos

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