The subject matter for "EC Comics" were horror, science fiction/fantasy, crime stories, war stories and stories with a social message that generally had a twist or "shock" ending. This volume reprints the second six complete issues (24 stories) of the comic book "Two-Fisted Tales", originally published in 1952, and features stories of fighting men and war, usually told from the viewpoint of the futility of war. These were really anti-war stories, and were characterized by their historical accuracy in depicting events of the Civil War, World Wars I and II, and the (then-current) Korean War. Written and edited by Harvey Kurtzman, the creator of "MAD Magazine". "MAD" was a comic book in the "EC" line for 23 issues before becoming a magazine.
Über den Autor Harvey Kurtzman
Written by Harvey Kurtzman, Al Feldstein, and more. Illustrated by Harvey Kurtzman, Wally Wood, Johnny Craig, John Severin, Alex Toth, and more.