Prestige Television and Prison in the Age of Mass Incarceration von Victoria Bryan

A Wall Rise Up
CHF 190.00 inkl. MwSt.
ISBN: 978-1-138-23451-2
Einband: Fester Einband
Verfügbarkeit: Lieferbar in ca. 10-20 Arbeitstagen
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This book examines various programmes across the genres of drama, comedy and horror that utilize prison as a central theme or setting to show how they conform to or challenge the standard conversation about the prison industrial complex and the common understanding of prisons as violent spaces where we house the worst among us.

This book examines various programmes across the genres of drama, comedy and horror that utilize prison as a central theme or setting to show how they conform to or challenge the standard conversation about the prison industrial complex and the common understanding of prisons as violent spaces where we house the worst among us.

AutorBryan, Victoria
EinbandFester Einband
Seitenangabe134 S.
LieferstatusLieferbar in ca. 10-20 Arbeitstagen
AbbildungenFarb., s/w. Abb.
MasseH23.4 cm x B15.6 cm x D1.4 cm 453 g
CoverlagRoutledge (Imprint/Brand)
Auflage1. A.
ReiheThe Cultural Politics of Media and Popular Culture
VerlagTaylor and Francis

Alle Bände der Reihe "The Cultural Politics of Media and Popular Culture"

Über den Autor Victoria Bryan

Victoria M. Bryan is the Honors Program Director and Associate Professor of English at Cleveland State Community College, USA. She is also founder and director of the Turn the Page Literacy Initiative that operates in Southeast Tennessee. Dr Bryan earned her PhD in English from the University of Mississippi in 2014.

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