Plant Defence: Biological Control von Kishan Gopal (Hrsg.) Ramawat

CHF 188.00 inkl. MwSt.
ISBN: 978-94-007-1932-3
Einband: Fester Einband
Verfügbarkeit: in der Regel innert 10 Werktagen lieferbar. Abweichungen werden nach Bestelleingang per Mail gemeldet.
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With ever increasing human population, demand for food, feed and fodder is continuously increasing. Diseases by insect pests, pathogens and animal pests are responsible for heavy crop losses and reduced food supplies, poorer quality of agricultural products, economic hardship for growers and processor. For many diseases, traditional chemical control methods are not neither always economical nor are they effective and may have unwanted health, safety and environmental risks. Biological control involves use of beneficial microorganism, such as specialised fungi and bacteria to attack and control plant pathogens and diseases they cause. Biological control offers an environmental friendly approach to the management of plant diseases and can be incorporated in to cultural and physical controls and limited chemical uses for an effective integrated pest management system. There is a renewed interest in the use of efficient, economical and environment friendly botanicals and biological control agents for crop protection. This book provides a comprehensive account of interaction of host with its pathogens, induced resistance, development of biological control agents for practical applications in crops and trees, the underlying mechanism and signal transduction. The book has following sections:

  • General biology of parasitism
  • Applications of biological and natural agents for disease resistance
  • Host parasite interaction
  • Mechanism of defence

The book is useful for undergraduates, post graduates and scientists studying crop protection, agricultural sciences, applied entomology, plant pathology, plant sciences, biotechnology, forestry, post harvest technology, crop management and environmental sciences as well as agrochemical and crop protection industries.


With ever increasing human population, demand for food, feed and fodder is continuously increasing. Diseases by insect pests, pathogens and animal pests are responsible for heavy crop losses and reduced food supplies, poorer quality of agricultural products, economic hardship for growers and processor. For many diseases, traditional chemical control methods are not neither always economical nor are they effective and may have unwanted health, safety and environmental risks. Biological control involves use of beneficial microorganism, such as specialised fungi and bacteria to attack and control plant pathogens and diseases they cause. Biological control offers an environmental friendly approach to the management of plant diseases and can be incorporated in to cultural and physical controls and limited chemical uses for an effective integrated pest management system. There is a renewed interest in the use of efficient, economical and environment friendly botanicals and biological control agents for crop protection. This book provides a comprehensive account of interaction of host with its pathogens, induced resistance, development of biological control agents for practical applications in crops and trees, the underlying mechanism and signal transduction. The book has following sections:

  • General biology of parasitism
  • Applications of biological and natural agents for disease resistance
  • Host parasite interaction
  • Mechanism of defence

The book is useful for undergraduates, post graduates and scientists studying crop protection, agricultural sciences, applied entomology, plant pathology, plant sciences, biotechnology, forestry, post harvest technology, crop management and environmental sciences as well as agrochemical and crop protection industries.


AutorRamawat, Kishan Gopal (Hrsg.) / Mérillon, Jean Michel (Hrsg.)
EinbandFester Einband
Seitenangabe424 S.
LieferstatusFolgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen
AbbildungenHC runder Rücken kaschiert
MasseH24.1 cm x B16.0 cm x D2.8 cm 799 g
ReiheProgress in Biological Control
VerlagSpringer Netherlands

Alle Bände der Reihe "Progress in Biological Control"

Über den Autor Kishan Gopal (Hrsg.) Ramawat

Professor K.G. Ramawat (born in 1952) received his M.Sc. (1974) and Ph.D. (1978, Plant Biotechnology) from the University of Jodhpur, Jodhpur, India and became a faculty member in January of 1979. He joined M.L. Sukhadia University as an Associate Professor in 1991 and became a Professor in 2001. He served as Head of the Department of Botany (2001-2004), was in charge of the Department of Biotechnology (2003-2004), was a member of the task force on medicinal and aromatic plants at the Department of Biotechnology (Government of India, New Delhi; 2002-2005), and was a coordinator of the UGC-DRS and DST-FIST programs (2002-2007). He did his postdoctoral study at the University of Tours, France (1983-85) and subsequently worked as visiting professor at the University of Tours (1991) and University of Bordeaux 2, France (1995, 1999, 2003, 2006). He visited Poland under the auspices of an INSA-PAN academic exchange program (2005). He has published more than 100 research papers and review articles in reputed journals and books. He has edited two books on the biotechnology of secondary metabolites and of medicinal plants (Scientific Publishers, Enfield, USA). Professor Ramawat has completed several major research projects from UGC, CSIR, ICAR, DBT, and DST, and has supervised the doctoral theses of 16 students. He has been a member of the Plant Tissue Culture Association of India since 1991.

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