Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Undead Unleashed von Adam Daigle

CHF 27.50 inkl. MwSt.
ISBN: 978-1-60125-677-5
Einband: Kartonierter Einband (Kt)
Verfügbarkeit: Lieferbar in ca. 20-45 Arbeitstagen
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  • Be they flesh-hungry ghouls or cunning vampires, the living dead numberamong the favorite threats of Game Masters and players alike. PathfinderCampaign Setting: Undead Unleashed details 15 unique undead creatures, providing information on their lairs, their minions, and their statistics, enabling GMs to add the walking dead to existing campaigns or base entireadventures on their sinister plots. Among the included undead are the Lirgenilich Meyi Pahano; Erum-Hel, Lord of Mohrgs; the mummified child-god Walkena; andOrdellia Whilwren, ghostly savior of Magnimar. Breathe life into your nextundead-based campaign with Pathfinder Campaign Setting: UndeadUnleashed!

  • Be they flesh-hungry ghouls or cunning vampires, the living dead numberamong the favorite threats of Game Masters and players alike. PathfinderCampaign Setting: Undead Unleashed details 15 unique undead creatures, providing information on their lairs, their minions, and their statistics, enabling GMs to add the walking dead to existing campaigns or base entireadventures on their sinister plots. Among the included undead are the Lirgenilich Meyi Pahano; Erum-Hel, Lord of Mohrgs; the mummified child-god Walkena; andOrdellia Whilwren, ghostly savior of Magnimar. Breathe life into your nextundead-based campaign with Pathfinder Campaign Setting: UndeadUnleashed!
AutorAdam Daigle / Dave Gross / Mark Moreland / David N. Ross / Todd Stewart / Jerome Virnich
EinbandKartonierter Einband (Kt)
Seitenangabe64 S.
LieferstatusLieferbar in ca. 20-45 Arbeitstagen
MasseH27.9 cm x B22.9 cm 218 g
CoverlagPaizo Inc. (Imprint/Brand)
VerlagDiamond US

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