Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Fey Revisited von Savannah Broadway

CHF 27.50 inkl. MwSt.
ISBN: 978-1-60125-507-5
Einband: Kartonierter Einband (Kt)
Verfügbarkeit: Lieferbar in ca. 20-45 Arbeitstagen
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  • Unveil the mysteries of primeval legends, encounter ancient creatures from atime before time, and prepare to enter a preternatural world where nothing ispermanent and everything is alive with Pathfinder Campaign Setting: FeyRevisited! Immerse your game in the lore of legendary beings such asvigilant tree-bonded dryads, fanciful goat-legged satyrs, and blindinglybeautiful nymphs, or release lurking evils like sadistic redcaps and diversehordes of maniacal gremlins. Each entry includes how these embodiments of naturemight guard or corrupt the world, details on the unique tokens they bestow uponfavored mortals, and a ready-to-use threat or ally of each fey race. Explore aworld of magic, mystique, and whimsy with Pathfinder Campaign Setting: FeyRevisited.

  • Unveil the mysteries of primeval legends, encounter ancient creatures from atime before time, and prepare to enter a preternatural world where nothing ispermanent and everything is alive with Pathfinder Campaign Setting: FeyRevisited! Immerse your game in the lore of legendary beings such asvigilant tree-bonded dryads, fanciful goat-legged satyrs, and blindinglybeautiful nymphs, or release lurking evils like sadistic redcaps and diversehordes of maniacal gremlins. Each entry includes how these embodiments of naturemight guard or corrupt the world, details on the unique tokens they bestow uponfavored mortals, and a ready-to-use threat or ally of each fey race. Explore aworld of magic, mystique, and whimsy with Pathfinder Campaign Setting: FeyRevisited.
AutorSavannah Broadway / Amanda Hamon / Tim Hitchcock / Levi Miles / Ray Vallese / Jerome Virnich / Paizo Staff (Hrsg.)
EinbandKartonierter Einband (Kt)
Seitenangabe64 S.
LieferstatusLieferbar in ca. 20-45 Arbeitstagen
MasseH27.9 cm x B20.3 cm 236 g
CoverlagPaizo Inc. (Imprint/Brand)
VerlagDiamond US

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