Natural Language Processing in Artificial Intelligence, focuses on natural language processing, artificial intelligence, and allied areas. The book delves into natural language processing, which enables communication between people and computers and automatic translation to facilitate easy interaction with others around the world.
Über den Autor Brojo (Hrsg.) Kishore Mishra
Brojo Kishore Mishra, PhD, is a Professor in the Computer Science and Engineering Departmentat the Gandhi Institute of Engineering and Technology University (GIET), Gunupur, Odisha, India.He has published more than 30 research papers in national and international conferenceproceedings, over 25 research papers in peer-reviewed journals, and over 20 book chapters, andhas authored two books and edited three books to date. His research interests include datamining and big data analysis, machine learning, soft computing, and evolutionary computation.Raghvendra Kumar, PhD, is an Associate Professor in the Computer Science and EngineeringDepartment at GIET University, India. He was formerly associated with the Lakshmi NarainCollege of Technology, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, India. He also serves as Director of the IT andData Science Department at the Vietnam Center of Research in Economics, Management,Environment, Hanoi, Vietnam. Dr. Kumar serves as editor of the book series Internet ofEverything: Security and Privacy Paradigm and the book series Biomedical Engineering:Techniques and Applications. He has published a number of research papers in internationaljournals and has served in many roles for international and national conferences.