Motörhead: Where is Lemmy? von David Calcano

CHF 23.90 inkl. MwSt.
ISBN: 978-1-970047-05-9
Einband: Fester Einband
Verfügbarkeit: Neuauflage/Nachdruck unbestimmt
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Where's Lemmy? Put your eyes-and put your Motörhead knowledge to the test with this beautifully illustrated search-and-find book from the creative minds at Fantoons.

Since the 1970s, Motörhead has been an icon of heavy metal and rock 'n' roll. Their 40-year-long reign as one of the best heavy metal bands in the world inspired countless musicians, from Lars Ulrich of Metallica to Dave Grohl of the Foo Fighters. And Lemmy Kilmister, the band's lead singer, bassist, and songwriter, became a pop culture icon in his own right.

Motörhead: Where is Lemmy? brings Lemmy's notorious lifestyle of chaos, sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll to life. Crafted in a classic seek-and-find style, Motörhead fans can enjoy searching for the infamous front man through 32 vibrant pages and 14 different Motörhead-inspired scenes.

With each page hand-illustrated by a team of skilled artists and self-proclaimed Motörheadbangers, Motörhead fans will resonate with the intricately-drawn scenes inspired by the band's award-winning albums.

Whether you enjoy searching for Lemmy on your own or with another Motörhead fan, this puzzle book is best paired with a Jack Daniels and coke-officially dubbed 'The Lemmy'-and one of Motörhead's 22 studio albums.

Where's Lemmy? Put your eyes-and put your Motörhead knowledge to the test with this beautifully illustrated search-and-find book from the creative minds at Fantoons.

Since the 1970s, Motörhead has been an icon of heavy metal and rock 'n' roll. Their 40-year-long reign as one of the best heavy metal bands in the world inspired countless musicians, from Lars Ulrich of Metallica to Dave Grohl of the Foo Fighters. And Lemmy Kilmister, the band's lead singer, bassist, and songwriter, became a pop culture icon in his own right.

Motörhead: Where is Lemmy? brings Lemmy's notorious lifestyle of chaos, sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll to life. Crafted in a classic seek-and-find style, Motörhead fans can enjoy searching for the infamous front man through 32 vibrant pages and 14 different Motörhead-inspired scenes.

With each page hand-illustrated by a team of skilled artists and self-proclaimed Motörheadbangers, Motörhead fans will resonate with the intricately-drawn scenes inspired by the band's award-winning albums.

Whether you enjoy searching for Lemmy on your own or with another Motörhead fan, this puzzle book is best paired with a Jack Daniels and coke-officially dubbed 'The Lemmy'-and one of Motörhead's 22 studio albums.

AutorCalcano, David / Lee, Lindsay / Manero, Ittai (Illustr.) / Blanco, Samuel (Illustr.)
EinbandFester Einband
Seitenangabe32 S.
LieferstatusNeuauflage/Nachdruck unbestimmt
MasseH22.9 cm x B30.5 cm
CoverlagFantoons (Imprint/Brand)
VerlagSimon & Schuster N.Y.

Über den Autor David Calcano

David Calcano ist der Gründer und kreative Leiter von Fantoons, einem Animationsstudio in Los Angeles. David Calcano wurde in Caracas, Venezuela, geboren. Als Erwachsener zog er nach Großbritannien, wo er als Systemingenieur arbeitete, bis er diesen Beruf aufgab, um seine wahren Träume zu verfolgen: ein Animationsstudio aufzubauen, Zeichentrickfilme kreieren und Bücher veröffentlichen, die Musik und kreative Kunst miteinander verbinden. Im Laufe seiner Karriere hat David mit einigen der größten Unternehmen und Musikkünstlerinnen sowie -künstlern der Welt zusammengearbeitet, darunter Disney, Rush, Alice Cooper, Brian Wilson und die Beach Boys, Mr. Big, Universal Music, Poison und Steve Martin.Mark Irwin, ein Absolvent der Joe Kubert School, war Art Director für das Heavy Metal Magazine, Wildstorm Consumer Products und Upper Deck Entertainment sowie leitender Redakteur bei Insight Comics. Derzeit ist er Senior Product Manager bei IDW Publishing. Darüber hinaus hat er in seiner 25-jährigen Künstlerkarriere für DC Comics geschrieben und getuscht sowie für Marvel, Dark Horse, Image und viele andere gezeichnet.

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