Modern Masters Volume 17: Lee Weeks von Eric Nolen-Weathington

CHF 20.50 inkl. MwSt.
ISBN: 978-1-893905-94-8
Einband: Kartonierter Einband (Kt)
Verfügbarkeit: Fehlt beim Verlag, resp. Auslieferung/Lieferant
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Lee Weeks is the consummate storyteller. Over the course of his twenty-five-year-plus career, he has proven this again and again. His ability to create dynamic, interesting layouts, plus his strong draftsmanship, and wonderful sense of lighting made his runs on Daredevil, Captain America, Spider-Man: Death and Destiny (which he also wrote) and The Incredible Hulk fan favorites, and his artwork for Batman Chronicles: The Gauntlet is among the most finely crafted in the character's history. This 128-page book features an exhaustive look into Week's career and creative process, with a career-spanning interview with tons of art, including many rare and unpublished pieces, and a huge gallery of stunning artwork by this true Modern Master!

Lee Weeks is the consummate storyteller. Over the course of his twenty-five-year-plus career, he has proven this again and again. His ability to create dynamic, interesting layouts, plus his strong draftsmanship, and wonderful sense of lighting made his runs on Daredevil, Captain America, Spider-Man: Death and Destiny (which he also wrote) and The Incredible Hulk fan favorites, and his artwork for Batman Chronicles: The Gauntlet is among the most finely crafted in the character's history. This 128-page book features an exhaustive look into Week's career and creative process, with a career-spanning interview with tons of art, including many rare and unpublished pieces, and a huge gallery of stunning artwork by this true Modern Master!

AutorEric Nolen-Weathington / Tom Field / Lee Weeks (Künstler)
EinbandKartonierter Einband (Kt)
Seitenangabe128 S.
LieferstatusFehlt beim Verlag / Lieferant. Liefertermin nicht bekannt
MasseH27.9 cm x B20.3 cm 340 g
CoverlagTwoMorrows Publishing (Imprint/Brand)
VerlagDiamond US

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