Hilda: The Trolberg Stories von Pearson Luke

CHF 39.90 inkl. MwSt.
ISBN: 978-1-83874-083-2
Einband: Fester Einband
Verfügbarkeit: in der Regel innert 2-5 Werktagen lieferbar. Abweichungen werden nach Bestelleingang per Mail gemeldet.
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"This special collector's edition collects books three and four in the Hilda graphic novel series, ... which inspired the award winning Hilda animated series on Netflix. If you like plucky and articulate heroines, sepia-seeped aesthetics and folklore, try this"--

"This special collector's edition collects books three and four in the Hilda graphic novel series, ... which inspired the award winning Hilda animated series on Netflix. If you like plucky and articulate heroines, sepia-seeped aesthetics and folklore, try this"--

AutorPearson Luke / Pearson Luke (Illustr.)
EinbandFester Einband
Seitenangabe128 S.
LieferstatusLieferbar in 48 Stunden
MasseH27.9 cm x B20.2 cm x D20.2 cm
CoverlagFlying Eye Books (Imprint/Brand)
ReiheHildafolk Comic

Alle Bände der Reihe "Hildafolk Comic"

Über den Autor Pearson Luke

Luke Pearson is the creator of the Hildafolk comic series. He is also a writer and co-executive producer of the Bafta award-winning animated series of the same name. Outside of his work on Hilda, Luke has been an illustrator, a storyboard artist and has drawn a range of other comics.Stephen writes picture books, chapter books, young adult novels, TV tie-ins and educational books. Many of his books are set in West Africa, on the edge of the Sahara Desert. His first book 'Sophie and the Albino Camel' won the Glen Dimplex Prize for best debut children's book. Since then, his books have been translated into fifteen languages and shortlisted for awards. He is currently writing the third season of 'Hilda' books to tie in with the Netflix animation. Stephen lives in London with his wife and two daughters. He enjoys visiting schools, helping students with their own creative writing.Luke Pearson is the creator of the Hildafolk comic series. He is also a writer and co-executive producer of the Bafta award-winning animated series of the same name. Outside of his work on Hilda, Luke has been an illustrator, a storyboard artist and has drawn a range of other comics.Seaerra Miller grew up in a small town in Wyoming where she spent her days picking dandelions and watching old westerns from her grandma's small movie collection. In 2015 she moved to Portland, Oregon to study art at the Pacific Northwest College of art and Design. Since graduating in the spring of 2017 she has worked for several publications and organisations such as Cricket Media, Apartment Therapy, Oni Press and Snap Chat. She illustrated the Hilda companion novels to the Netflix series for Flying Eye before writing and illustrating her own graphic novel series, Mason Mooney: Paranormal Investigator.

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