Grumpy Monkey Mom for a Day von Suzanne Lang

Includes Fun Stickers
CHF 15.50 inkl. MwSt.
ISBN: 978-0-593-70931-3
Einband: Fester Einband
Verfügbarkeit: Noch nicht erschienen, April 2025
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The New York Times bestselling Grumpy Monkey series returns with a celebration of relationships between mothers and their children. Grumpy Monkey offers to babysit the little animals in the jungle but when things go haywire, help comes from an unexpected source. Includes two bonus pages of stickers!

When Jim Panzee offers to step in as a temporary mom, he thinks, It will be fun. How hard can it be? But when he’s immediately bombarded with a chorus of needs such as “Carry me, mommy,” and “I’m hungry.” Grumpy Monkey doesn’t know what to do first.

He tries his best but when the baby animals start falling out of a tree, Jim is completely overwhelmed. That’s when his mom swings down, picks him up, calms the baby animals, and makes everything right. Jim understands and appreciates the power of parenting and the unconditional love his mom has for him.

Two pages of full-color stickers are included for extra fun!
The New York Times bestselling Grumpy Monkey series returns with a celebration of relationships between mothers and their children. Grumpy Monkey offers to babysit the little animals in the jungle but when things go haywire, help comes from an unexpected source. Includes two bonus pages of stickers!

When Jim Panzee offers to step in as a temporary mom, he thinks, It will be fun. How hard can it be? But when he’s immediately bombarded with a chorus of needs such as “Carry me, mommy,” and “I’m hungry.” Grumpy Monkey doesn’t know what to do first.

He tries his best but when the baby animals start falling out of a tree, Jim is completely overwhelmed. That’s when his mom swings down, picks him up, calms the baby animals, and makes everything right. Jim understands and appreciates the power of parenting and the unconditional love his mom has for him.

Two pages of full-color stickers are included for extra fun!
AutorLang, Suzanne / Lang, Max
EinbandFester Einband
Seitenangabe32 S.
LieferstatusNoch nicht erschienen, April 2025
AbbildungenFarb. Abb.
CoverlagRandom House Studio (Imprint/Brand)
ReiheGrumpy Monkey
VerlagRandom House N.Y.

Alle Bände der Reihe "Grumpy Monkey"

Über den Autor Suzanne Lang

Suzanne Lang produziert, entwickelt und schreibt für das Kinderfernsehen. Nach einer Station beim Cartoon Network arbeitet sie heute als Redakteurin für Cake Entertainment ("Angelo!", "Angry Birds") und Copa Studio. Sie studierte Filmwissenschaften an der New York University.Max Lang ist Filmregisseur. Er wurde bereits zweimal für einen Oscar in der Kategorie "Bester animierter Kurzfilm" nominiert - einmal 2011 für "Der Grüffelo" und ein weiteres Mal 2014 für "Für Hund und Katz ist auch noch Platz". Außerdem ist er Regisseur des Nickelodeon-Films "Albert" (2016).

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