Forest of Secrets von Erin Hunter

CHF 14.50 inkl. MwSt.
ISBN: 978-0-00-714004-6
Einband: Kartonierter Einband (Kt)
Verfügbarkeit: Neuauflage/Nachdruck Februar 2025
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The third adventure in the awesome WARRIOR CATS series.

Fireheart sprang to his paws at once. "And who gave you the right to question our loyalty?" he spat.

The warrior cats are hungry, waiting for a thaw in the snow. Tensions run high and friends become enemies overnight. Fireheart is determined to find out about the mysteries that lie at the heart of his adopted Clan. But as he searches for answers, he uncovers an ugly truth - that some cats are willing to kill to get what they want.

"The best series ever!" ***** Amazon website

The third adventure in the awesome WARRIOR CATS series.

Fireheart sprang to his paws at once. "And who gave you the right to question our loyalty?" he spat.

The warrior cats are hungry, waiting for a thaw in the snow. Tensions run high and friends become enemies overnight. Fireheart is determined to find out about the mysteries that lie at the heart of his adopted Clan. But as he searches for answers, he uncovers an ugly truth - that some cats are willing to kill to get what they want.

"The best series ever!" ***** Amazon website

AutorHunter, Erin
EinbandKartonierter Einband (Kt)
LieferstatusNeuauflage/Nachdruck Februar 2025
MasseH19.8 cm x B12.9 cm x D2.4 cm 250 g
CoverlagHarperCollins (Imprint/Brand)
VerlagHarper Collins

Alle Bände der Reihe "Warriors"

Über den Autor Erin Hunter

Erin Hunter ist ein Autor:innenteam und inspiriert von der Liebe zu Katzen und der Faszination von der Wildnis. Immer mit dem größten Respekt gegenüber der Natur in all ihren Formen, findet Erin Hunter mystische Erklärungen für das Verhalten der Tiere und erschafft magische Welten.

Weitere Titel von Erin Hunter