Focus on Vocabulary 1: Bridging Vocabulary von Diane Schmitt

CHF 56.90 inkl. MwSt.
ISBN: 978-0-13-137619-9
Einband: Kartonierter Einband (Kt)
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Focus on Vocabulary 1: Bridging Vocabulary is a research-based vocabulary textbook that gives intermediate to high-intermediate students hands-on preparation for understanding mid-frequency vocabulary, such as that found in novels, newspapers, films, and social and workplace settings. Through excerpts from popular material and well-crafted exercises, English learners focus on mid-frequency vocabulary — 504 word families in all. To help students reach a fuller understanding of the new vocabulary, each chapter provides a series of exercises on word meanings, word families, and collocation.


  • Seven units focus on a variety of subject areas, such as the mind, design, celebrity, and the environment.
  • The start of each main chapter features an Assessing Your Vocabulary Knowledge section, which helps students determine their level of familiarity with that chapter's twenty-four target words. Students reassess their familiarity with the words at the end of the chapter.
  • Each main chapter carefully recycles the target words a minimum of four times in the reading passage and throughout the sections that follow: Reading Comprehension, Word Meaning, Word Families, Collocation, and Expanding the Topic.
  • At the end of each unit, a Strategy Practice chapter offers tips for dictionary use, essay writing, and other vocabulary-related tasks.

Focus on Vocabulary 1: Bridging Vocabulary is a research-based vocabulary textbook that gives intermediate to high-intermediate students hands-on preparation for understanding mid-frequency vocabulary, such as that found in novels, newspapers, films, and social and workplace settings. Through excerpts from popular material and well-crafted exercises, English learners focus on mid-frequency vocabulary — 504 word families in all. To help students reach a fuller understanding of the new vocabulary, each chapter provides a series of exercises on word meanings, word families, and collocation.


  • Seven units focus on a variety of subject areas, such as the mind, design, celebrity, and the environment.
  • The start of each main chapter features an Assessing Your Vocabulary Knowledge section, which helps students determine their level of familiarity with that chapter's twenty-four target words. Students reassess their familiarity with the words at the end of the chapter.
  • Each main chapter carefully recycles the target words a minimum of four times in the reading passage and throughout the sections that follow: Reading Comprehension, Word Meaning, Word Families, Collocation, and Expanding the Topic.
  • At the end of each unit, a Strategy Practice chapter offers tips for dictionary use, essay writing, and other vocabulary-related tasks.

AutorSchmitt, Diane / Schmitt, Norbert / Mann, David
EinbandKartonierter Einband (Kt)
Seitenangabe272 S.
LieferstatusLieferbar in 24 Stunden
MasseH27.4 cm x B20.8 cm x D1.8 cm 476 g
CoverlagPearson ELT (Imprint/Brand)
Auflage2. A.
VerlagPearson ELT

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