Eternal Warrior Classic Omnibus Volume 1 von Jim Shooter

CHF 144.00 inkl. MwSt.
ISBN: 978-1-68215-430-4
Einband: Fester Einband
Verfügbarkeit: Erscheint nicht
Against all odds. Forever.

For a thousand generations, Gilad Anni-Padda has defended the innocent and dealt out justice as the Eternal Warrior, the Earth's chosen Fist and Steel. An unsung veteran of every war ever waged, Gilad's hard-fought quest will force him to the forefront of the Valiant Universe - and into a brand new kind of battle alongside the likes of Bloodshot, X-O Manowar, and his own long-lost brother, the one and only Armstrong.

Prepare for ten thousand years of war as comics legends Jim Shooter (The Avengers, Secret Wars), Barry Windsor-Smith (Monsters, Weapon X), John Dixon (SHADOWMAN), Kevin VanHook (BLOODSHOT, Batman Confidential), Mark Moretti (NINJAK) and more come together for the first omnibus collection of Valiant's original immortal hero!

Collecting ETERNAL WARRIOR (1992) #1-25, ETERNAL WARRIOR YEARBOOK (1993) #1, ARCHER & ARMSTRONG (1992) #25, HARBINGER (1992) #32, SECRET WEAPONS (1993) #3 and #6-10, and VALIANT ERA COMPANION (1993) #1
Against all odds. Forever.

For a thousand generations, Gilad Anni-Padda has defended the innocent and dealt out justice as the Eternal Warrior, the Earth's chosen Fist and Steel. An unsung veteran of every war ever waged, Gilad's hard-fought quest will force him to the forefront of the Valiant Universe - and into a brand new kind of battle alongside the likes of Bloodshot, X-O Manowar, and his own long-lost brother, the one and only Armstrong.

Prepare for ten thousand years of war as comics legends Jim Shooter (The Avengers, Secret Wars), Barry Windsor-Smith (Monsters, Weapon X), John Dixon (SHADOWMAN), Kevin VanHook (BLOODSHOT, Batman Confidential), Mark Moretti (NINJAK) and more come together for the first omnibus collection of Valiant's original immortal hero!

Collecting ETERNAL WARRIOR (1992) #1-25, ETERNAL WARRIOR YEARBOOK (1993) #1, ARCHER & ARMSTRONG (1992) #25, HARBINGER (1992) #32, SECRET WEAPONS (1993) #3 and #6-10, and VALIANT ERA COMPANION (1993) #1
AutorJim Shooter / Barry Windsor-Smith / Kevin VanHook / Mark Moretti / John Dixon (Künstler) / Barry Windsor-Smith (Künstler) / Mark Moretti (Künstler)
EinbandFester Einband
Seitenangabe912 S.
LieferstatusErscheint nicht
CoverlagValiant Entertainment, LLC (Imprint/Brand)
VerlagDiamond US

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