Did God Kill Jesus? von Tony Jones

Searching for Love in History's Most Famous Execution
CHF 21.50 inkl. MwSt.
ISBN: 978-0-06-229797-6
Einband: Kartonierter Einband (Kt)
Verfügbarkeit: Lieferbar in ca. 20-45 Arbeitstagen
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The popular Patheos blogger wants to restore the cross as primarily a symbol of God’s overwhelming love for us and to rescue Christians from the shame and guilt from seeing our situation as “sinners in the hands of an angry God,” which was an invention of the medieval church and became enshrined as orthodox Christianity.

Many Christians believe that God the Father demanded his only Son die a cruel, gruesome death to appease His wrath, since humanity is so irredeemably sinful and therefore repugnant to God. Tony Jones, popular progressive Christian blogger, author, and scholar, argues that this understanding is actually a medieval invention and not what the Bible really teaches. He looks beyond medieval convictions and liberates how we see Jesus’s death on the cross from this restrictive paradigm. Christians today must transcend the shame and guilt that have shaped conceptions of the human soul and made us fearful of God, and replace them with love, grace, and joyfulness, which better expresses what the cross is really about.

How we understand the cross reflects directly what kind of God we worship. By letting go of the wrathful God who cannot stand to be in our presence unless he pretends to see Jesus in our place, we discover the biblical God who reaches out to love and embrace us while “we were yet sinners.” Jones offers a positive, loving, inclusive interpretation of the faith that is both challenging and inspiring. Did God Kill Jesus? is essential reading for modern Christians.

"One of those rare texts that is both informative and inspirational. It's given me fresh eyes with which to see the crucifixion and a view of God that makes sense in and for the world in which we live."
Trade Paperback

The popular Patheos blogger wants to restore the cross as primarily a symbol of God’s overwhelming love for us and to rescue Christians from the shame and guilt from seeing our situation as “sinners in the hands of an angry God,” which was an invention of the medieval church and became enshrined as orthodox Christianity.

Many Christians believe that God the Father demanded his only Son die a cruel, gruesome death to appease His wrath, since humanity is so irredeemably sinful and therefore repugnant to God. Tony Jones, popular progressive Christian blogger, author, and scholar, argues that this understanding is actually a medieval invention and not what the Bible really teaches. He looks beyond medieval convictions and liberates how we see Jesus’s death on the cross from this restrictive paradigm. Christians today must transcend the shame and guilt that have shaped conceptions of the human soul and made us fearful of God, and replace them with love, grace, and joyfulness, which better expresses what the cross is really about.

How we understand the cross reflects directly what kind of God we worship. By letting go of the wrathful God who cannot stand to be in our presence unless he pretends to see Jesus in our place, we discover the biblical God who reaches out to love and embrace us while “we were yet sinners.” Jones offers a positive, loving, inclusive interpretation of the faith that is both challenging and inspiring. Did God Kill Jesus? is essential reading for modern Christians.

"One of those rare texts that is both informative and inspirational. It's given me fresh eyes with which to see the crucifixion and a view of God that makes sense in and for the world in which we live."
Trade Paperback
AutorJones, Tony
EinbandKartonierter Einband (Kt)
Seitenangabe304 S.
LieferstatusLieferbar in ca. 20-45 Arbeitstagen
MasseH20.5 cm x B13.4 cm x D2.0 cm 235 g
CoverlagHarperOne (Imprint/Brand)
VerlagHarper Collins (US)

Über den Autor Tony Jones

Tony Jones has lived aboard his narrowboat, The Watchman, since 2005 and has cruised the inland waterways network extensively. Having fallen completely in love with canal life it's unlikely that he will ever live on dry land again. He is the features editor for Waterways World magazine and author of The Liveaboard Guide and The Narrowboat Guide, both published by Adlard Coles.

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