CSB She Reads Truth Bible, Brown Genuine Leather, Indexed von Raechel Myers

Notetaking Space, Devotionals, Reading Plans, Easy-To-Read Font
CHF 193.00 inkl. MwSt.
ISBN: 978-1-4336-4825-0
Einband: Echter Leder-Einband (Ld)
Verfügbarkeit: in der Regel innert 15 Werktagen lieferbar. Abweichungen werden nach Bestelleingang per Mail gemeldet.
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Since 2012, the global She Reads Truth community has been opening their Bibles together every day with the desire to know God and His Word. Born out of this same mission, the She Reads Truth Bible seeks to help you read and understand Scripture for yourself. Featuring gospel-centered devotionals, and curated Bible reading plans that include supplemental passages for deeper understanding, this Bible invites every woman to count herself among the She Reads Truth community of "Women in the Word of God every day."

Since 2012, the global She Reads Truth community has been opening their Bibles together every day with the desire to know God and His Word. Born out of this same mission, the She Reads Truth Bible seeks to help you read and understand Scripture for yourself. Featuring gospel-centered devotionals, and curated Bible reading plans that include supplemental passages for deeper understanding, this Bible invites every woman to count herself among the She Reads Truth community of "Women in the Word of God every day."

AutorMyers, Raechel / Williams, Amanda Bible / Csb Bibles By Holman
EinbandEchter Leder-Einband (Ld)
Seitenangabe2226 S.
LieferstatusFolgt in ca. 15 Arbeitstagen
MasseH23.6 cm x B17.9 cm x D5.5 cm 1'608 g
VerlagB&H Publishing Group

Über den Autor Raechel Myers

She Reads Truth is an online community of women who read God's Word together every day. Founded in 2012, She Reads Truth invites women of all ages to engage Scripture through daily reading plans, as well as conversation led by a vibrant community of contributors. The She Reads Truth Bible offers the community's favorite tools for Scripture reading, all in one place.

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