Confession von Nobuyuki Fukumoto

CHF 21.60 inkl. MwSt.
ISBN: 978-1-64729-396-3
Einband: Kartonierter Einband (Kt)
Verfügbarkeit: in der Regel innert 2-5 Werktagen lieferbar. Abweichungen werden nach Bestelleingang per Mail gemeldet.
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Confession is a deeply psychological thriller manga that examines how quickly unexpected vulnerability and the threat of an uncertain future can make men descend into madness. Two miles up in the unforgiving heights of Mt. Owari, hikers and friends Asai and Ishikura are hit by a blizzard and lose their way. Injured and sure of his imminent death, Ishikura confesses to killing a member of their university hiking club five years ago. However, Asai then stumbles upon shelter and carries them both to safety, only to realize that the confession has forever changed their relationship-and that the brutal elements may no longer be the most deadly threat around. 

Confession is a deeply psychological thriller manga that examines how quickly unexpected vulnerability and the threat of an uncertain future can make men descend into madness. Two miles up in the unforgiving heights of Mt. Owari, hikers and friends Asai and Ishikura are hit by a blizzard and lose their way. Injured and sure of his imminent death, Ishikura confesses to killing a member of their university hiking club five years ago. However, Asai then stumbles upon shelter and carries them both to safety, only to realize that the confession has forever changed their relationship-and that the brutal elements may no longer be the most deadly threat around. 

AutorFukumoto, Nobuyuki / Kawaguchi, Kaiji (Illustr.)
EinbandKartonierter Einband (Kt)
LieferstatusLieferbar in 48 Stunden
AbbildungenIllustrationen, nicht spezifiziert
MasseH18.9 cm x B13.9 cm
CoverlagVertical Inc. (Imprint/Brand)

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