Chosen Ones von Veronica Roth

CHF 22.50 inkl. MwSt.
ISBN: 978-0-358-45117-4
Einband: Kartonierter Einband (Kt)
Verfügbarkeit: Lieferbar in ca. 20-45 Arbeitstagen
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?A hugely imagined, twisty, turning tale that leads through the labyrinths of magic and war to the center of the heart.? ? Diana Gabaldon


THE VILLAIN: The Dark One?probably not fun at parties, definitely cool with murder?was running around North America engulfing whole cities in supernatural chaos and destruction.

THE HEROES: Five Chosen Ones?ordinary strangers with nothing in common?were recruited by the government because they fit the narrow criteria of a prophecy made by [redacted]. You know the rest...heroes fought villain, heroes defeated villain, and everything went back to normal.

Only . . . not so much.

Now, it's ten years later, and Sloane Andrews, recovering Chosen One, has discovered that all the fame, gratitude, and parade floats in the world can't erase what she endured?what she had to do?to take down the Dark One. All she wants now is to be left alone, but that doesn't seem to be in the cards.

As it turns out, that plan for annihilation set in motion by the Dark One? It's not finished yet. Last time, Sloane saved the day with a magical needle and a can-do attitude. This time, she's fresh out of both.

?A stunning thriller/fantasy/sci-fi chimera like nothing I've read before.? ? Blake Crouch

?A hugely imagined, twisty, turning tale that leads through the labyrinths of magic and war to the center of the heart.? ? Diana Gabaldon


THE VILLAIN: The Dark One?probably not fun at parties, definitely cool with murder?was running around North America engulfing whole cities in supernatural chaos and destruction.

THE HEROES: Five Chosen Ones?ordinary strangers with nothing in common?were recruited by the government because they fit the narrow criteria of a prophecy made by [redacted]. You know the rest...heroes fought villain, heroes defeated villain, and everything went back to normal.

Only . . . not so much.

Now, it's ten years later, and Sloane Andrews, recovering Chosen One, has discovered that all the fame, gratitude, and parade floats in the world can't erase what she endured?what she had to do?to take down the Dark One. All she wants now is to be left alone, but that doesn't seem to be in the cards.

As it turns out, that plan for annihilation set in motion by the Dark One? It's not finished yet. Last time, Sloane saved the day with a magical needle and a can-do attitude. This time, she's fresh out of both.

?A stunning thriller/fantasy/sci-fi chimera like nothing I've read before.? ? Blake Crouch

AutorRoth, Veronica
EinbandKartonierter Einband (Kt)
Seitenangabe432 S.
LieferstatusLieferbar in ca. 20-45 Arbeitstagen
MasseH20.3 cm x B13.5 cm x D2.8 cm 345 g
CoverlagJohn Joseph Adams/Mariner Books (Imprint/Brand)
VerlagHoughton Mifflin Company

Über den Autor Veronica Roth

Veronica Roth lebt in Chicago und studierte an der dortigen Northwestern University Creative Writing. Im Alter von nur 20 Jahren schrieb sie während ihres Studiums den Roman, der später »Die Bestimmung« wurde und den Auftakt zu ihrer internationalen Bestseller-Trilogie bildet. In der dreiteiligen Verfilmung der preisgekrönten Romane begeistern die Stars Shailene Woodley als die tapfere junge Heldin Tris und Theo James als deren große Liebe Four.Petra Koob-Pawis studierte in Würzburg und Manchester Anglistik und Germanistik, arbeitete anschließend an der Universität und ist seit 1987 als Übersetzerin tätig. Sie wohnt in der Nähe von München, und wenn sie gerade nicht übersetzt, lebt sie wild und gefährlich, indem sie Museen durchstreift, Vögel beobachtet und ihren einäugigen Kater daran zu hindern versucht, sämtliche Möbel zu ruinieren.

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