Busy Ambulance von Campbell Books

CHF 13.90 inkl. MwSt.
ISBN: 978-1-5290-1769-4
Einband: Pappband, unzerreissbar (PpU)
Verfügbarkeit: Lieferbar in ca. 10-20 Arbeitstagen
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A first novelty board book about a busy ambulance with push, pull and sliding mechanisms.

A first novelty board book about a busy ambulance with push, pull and sliding mechanisms.

AutorBooks, Campbell / Forshaw Louise (Illustr.)
EinbandPappband, unzerreissbar (PpU)
Seitenangabe10 S.
LieferstatusLieferbar in ca. 10-20 Arbeitstagen
MasseH18.2 cm x B18.1 cm x D1.5 cm 308 g
CoverlagCampbell Books Ltd (Imprint/Brand)
ReiheCampbell Busy Books
VerlagPan macmillan Ltd.

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Über den Autor Campbell Books

Louise Forshaw discovered drawing at a young age and has rarely stopped drawing since! Studying Illustration and Animation at Newcastle College she graduated in 2008. Turning her attention to children's books she now works from her small home studio, with three Jack Russell terriers to keep her company.

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