Ashita no Joe: Fighting for Tomorrow 1 von Asao Takamori

CHF 69.00 inkl. MwSt.
ISBN: 978-1-64729-387-1
Einband: Fester Einband
Verfügbarkeit: in der Regel innert 2-5 Werktagen lieferbar. Abweichungen werden nach Bestelleingang per Mail gemeldet.
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A massive cultural phenomenon, made even bigger by the hit anime based on it. To this day, "Ashita no Joe" remains one of the most important manga of all time, and now it will finally see the light of day in English for the first time!


A young street-fighting drifter named Joe Yabuki wanders aimlessly through the slums of Tokyo, but a chance encounter with a failed boxer who sees something special in the boy sparks a partnership that might just take Joe all the way to the top...

This universally acclaimed classic is much more than a sports manga: it is a cultural touchstone and a realist masterpiece, perhaps the most prominent series ever to eschew any hint of the superhuman or supernatural, yielding a keenly observed human drama that captured the hearts of an entire generation on its way to becoming a runaway bestseller.  Serialized from 1968-1973, Ashita no Joe made a particular impact on college students and the working class, who saw their own experience reflected in Joe's struggle. To this day, it remains one of the most important manga ever published, and this landmark omnibus edition marks its first appearance in English translation.

Hitmaker Asao Takamori was arguably the biggest manga author of his day, while Tetsuya Chiba, winner of innumerable awards, remains one of the most influential manga artists of all time.

A massive cultural phenomenon, made even bigger by the hit anime based on it. To this day, "Ashita no Joe" remains one of the most important manga of all time, and now it will finally see the light of day in English for the first time!


A young street-fighting drifter named Joe Yabuki wanders aimlessly through the slums of Tokyo, but a chance encounter with a failed boxer who sees something special in the boy sparks a partnership that might just take Joe all the way to the top...

This universally acclaimed classic is much more than a sports manga: it is a cultural touchstone and a realist masterpiece, perhaps the most prominent series ever to eschew any hint of the superhuman or supernatural, yielding a keenly observed human drama that captured the hearts of an entire generation on its way to becoming a runaway bestseller.  Serialized from 1968-1973, Ashita no Joe made a particular impact on college students and the working class, who saw their own experience reflected in Joe's struggle. To this day, it remains one of the most important manga ever published, and this landmark omnibus edition marks its first appearance in English translation.

Hitmaker Asao Takamori was arguably the biggest manga author of his day, while Tetsuya Chiba, winner of innumerable awards, remains one of the most influential manga artists of all time.

AutorTakamori, Asao / Chiba, Tetsuya (Illustr.)
EinbandFester Einband
LieferstatusLieferbar in 48 Stunden
AbbildungenIllustrationen, nicht spezifiziert
MasseH21.3 cm x B15.8 cm x D4.5 cm 798 g
CoverlagVertical Inc. (Imprint/Brand)

Über den Autor Asao Takamori

Takamori was perhaps the biggest manga author of his day, churning out hit after hit in the 60s and 70s, including "Ashita no Joe," "Star of the Giants," and "Tiger Mask." While all are nominally sports manga, Takamori's great skill was in bringing other dimensions to his work.Tetsuya Chiba, known primarily for his sports manga, is one of the most influential manga artists of all time and winner of innumerable awards.

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