After von Anna Todd

CHF 15.50 inkl. MwSt.
ISBN: 978-1-982128-40-1
Einband: Kartonierter Einband (Kt)
Verfügbarkeit: in der Regel innert 2-5 Werktagen lieferbar. Abweichungen werden nach Bestelleingang per Mail gemeldet.
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Experience the internet's most talked-about book, now a major motion picture, from Anna Todd, the writer Cosmopolitan called "the biggest literary phenomenon of her generation." Now a Major Motion Picture on Netflix! There was the time before Tessa met Hardin, and then there's everything AFTER... Life will never be the same. #Hessa Tessa is a good girl with a sweet, reliable boyfriend back home. She's got direction, ambition, and a mother who's intent on keeping her that way. But she's barely moved into her freshman dorm when she runs into Hardin. With his tousled brown hair, cocky British accent, and tattoos, Hardin is cute and different from what she's used to. But he's also rude-to the point of cruelty, even. For all his attitude, Tessa should hate Hardin. And she does-until she finds herself alone with him in his room. Something about his dark mood grabs her, and when they kiss it ignites within her a passion she's never known before. He'll call her beautiful, then insist he isn't the one for her and disappear again and again. Despite the reckless way he treats her, Tessa is compelled to dig deeper and find the real Hardin beneath all his lies. He pushes her away again and again, yet every time she pushes back, he only pulls her in deeper. Tessa already has the perfect boyfriend. So why is she trying so hard to overcome her own hurt pride and Hardin's prejudice about nice girls like her? Unless...could this be love?

Experience the internet's most talked-about book, now a major motion picture, from Anna Todd, the writer Cosmopolitan called "the biggest literary phenomenon of her generation." Now a Major Motion Picture on Netflix! There was the time before Tessa met Hardin, and then there's everything AFTER... Life will never be the same. #Hessa Tessa is a good girl with a sweet, reliable boyfriend back home. She's got direction, ambition, and a mother who's intent on keeping her that way. But she's barely moved into her freshman dorm when she runs into Hardin. With his tousled brown hair, cocky British accent, and tattoos, Hardin is cute and different from what she's used to. But he's also rude-to the point of cruelty, even. For all his attitude, Tessa should hate Hardin. And she does-until she finds herself alone with him in his room. Something about his dark mood grabs her, and when they kiss it ignites within her a passion she's never known before. He'll call her beautiful, then insist he isn't the one for her and disappear again and again. Despite the reckless way he treats her, Tessa is compelled to dig deeper and find the real Hardin beneath all his lies. He pushes her away again and again, yet every time she pushes back, he only pulls her in deeper. Tessa already has the perfect boyfriend. So why is she trying so hard to overcome her own hurt pride and Hardin's prejudice about nice girls like her? Unless...could this be love?

AutorTodd, Anna
EinbandKartonierter Einband (Kt)
Seitenangabe608 S.
LieferstatusLieferbar in 24 Stunden
MasseH12.3 cm x B13.2 cm x D4.0 cm 415 g
ReiheThe After Series
VerlagUK Books

Alle Bände der Reihe "The After Series"

Über den Autor Anna Todd

Anna Todd (Autorin/Produzentin/Influencerin) ist die New-York-Times-Bestseller-Autorin der AFTER-Serie. Anna war schon immer eine begeisterte Leserin und begann schließlich, über Wattpad eigene Geschichten zu veröffentlichen. AFTER wurde mit über zwei Milliarden Reads zur meistgelesenen Serie auf der Plattform. Die Printausgabe von AFTER wurde 2014 erstveröffentlicht. Danach erschien die Serie in 35 Sprachen, verkaufte weltweit über 12 Millionen Exemplare und ist ein internationaler Nummer-1-Bestseller. Anna Todd war als Produzentin und Drehbuchautorin an den Verfilmungen von AFTER PASSION und AFTER TRUTH beteiligt. 2017 gründete sie das Unterhaltungsunternehmen Frayed Pages Media, um innovative und kreative Arbeiten für Film, Fernsehen und Verlagswesen zu produzieren. Die aus Ohio stammende Anna lebt derzeit mit ihrer Familie in Los Angeles.Bettina Hengesbach lebt in Oslo und übersetzt seit vielen Jahren Romane unterschiedlicher Genres aus dem Englischen. Zudem ist sie als freie Lektorin tätig.

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