A River of Golden Bones von A.K. Mulford

Book One of the Golden Court
CHF 23.90 inkl. MwSt.
ISBN: 978-0-06-329143-0
Einband: Kartonierter Einband (Kt)
Verfügbarkeit: in der Regel innert 2-5 Werktagen lieferbar. Abweichungen werden nach Bestelleingang per Mail gemeldet.
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Preorder now and get your hands on this EXCLUSIVE EDITION with stunning, purple sprayed edges, available only on the first printing! 

From bestselling author of the romantasy sensation The High Mountain Court comes A River of Golden Bones, the first riveting, enchanting novel in an all-new romantic fantasy shifter trilogy, which begins a journey of self-discovery, romance, and adventure for a young heir as she/they comes out of hiding to save their sister from a malicious, powerful sorceress and her dangerous sleeping curse.

Twins Calla and Briar have spent their entire lives hiding from the powerful sorceress who destroyed their kingdom…and from the humans who don’t know they are Wolves. Each twin has their own purpose in life: Briar’s is to marry the prince of an ally pack and save the Golden Court. Calla’s purpose is to remain a secret, her twin’s shadow . . . the backup plan.

No one knows who Calla truly is except for her childhood friend—and sister’s betrothed—the distractingly handsome Prince Grae. But when Calla and Briar journey out of hiding for Briar’s wedding, all of their well-made plans go awry. The evil sorceress is back with another sleeping curse for the last heir to the Golden Court.

Calla must step out of the shadows to save their sister, their kingdom, and their own legacy. Continuing to hide as a human and denying who she truly is, Calla embarks on a quest across the realm, discovering a whole world she never knew existed. Outside the confines of rigid Wolf society, Calla begins to wonder: who could she be if she dared to try?

Full of adventure, love, gender exploration, and self-discovery, A River of Golden Bones follows Calla’s journey through treacherous Wolf kingdoms, monster-filled realms, and the depths of their own heart in this thrilling romantic fantasy. 

Trade Paperback

Preorder now and get your hands on this EXCLUSIVE EDITION with stunning, purple sprayed edges, available only on the first printing! 

From bestselling author of the romantasy sensation The High Mountain Court comes A River of Golden Bones, the first riveting, enchanting novel in an all-new romantic fantasy shifter trilogy, which begins a journey of self-discovery, romance, and adventure for a young heir as she/they comes out of hiding to save their sister from a malicious, powerful sorceress and her dangerous sleeping curse.

Twins Calla and Briar have spent their entire lives hiding from the powerful sorceress who destroyed their kingdom…and from the humans who don’t know they are Wolves. Each twin has their own purpose in life: Briar’s is to marry the prince of an ally pack and save the Golden Court. Calla’s purpose is to remain a secret, her twin’s shadow . . . the backup plan.

No one knows who Calla truly is except for her childhood friend—and sister’s betrothed—the distractingly handsome Prince Grae. But when Calla and Briar journey out of hiding for Briar’s wedding, all of their well-made plans go awry. The evil sorceress is back with another sleeping curse for the last heir to the Golden Court.

Calla must step out of the shadows to save their sister, their kingdom, and their own legacy. Continuing to hide as a human and denying who she truly is, Calla embarks on a quest across the realm, discovering a whole world she never knew existed. Outside the confines of rigid Wolf society, Calla begins to wonder: who could she be if she dared to try?

Full of adventure, love, gender exploration, and self-discovery, A River of Golden Bones follows Calla’s journey through treacherous Wolf kingdoms, monster-filled realms, and the depths of their own heart in this thrilling romantic fantasy. 

Trade Paperback
AutorMulford, A.K.
EinbandKartonierter Einband (Kt)
Seitenangabe400 S.
LieferstatusLieferbar in 24 Stunden
MasseH20.4 cm x B13.6 cm x D2.6 cm 402 g
CoverlagHarper Voyager (Imprint/Brand)
ReiheThe Golden Court
VerlagHarper Collins (US)

Alle Bände der Reihe "The Golden Court"

Über den Autor A.K. Mulford

A. K. Mulford studierte Biologie und beschäftigte sich lange mit der Pflege und Auswilderung von Affen. Heute dreht sich alles um das Schreiben von Fantasy-Bestsellern. A. K. liebt es, Leser*innen in neue Welten zu entführen und sie dazu zu bringen, sich zum ersten Mal oder immer wieder aufs Neue in Fantasy-Literatur zu verlieben. Xier lebt mit Mann und Kindern in Australien, erschafft weiter faszinierende Charaktere und erstellt lustige TikTok-Beiträge (@akmulfordauthor).Ulrike Gerstner brachte sich im besten Kindergartenalter selbst das Lesen bei, und seitdem war immer klar: Die macht mal was mit Büchern. Nach dem Studium der Literaturwissenschaft und Anglistik (und einigen Jahren in der Freiberuflichkeit) führte sie ihr Weg für zehn Jahre ins Lektorat des LYX-Verlags. Mittlerweile ist sie zu ihren Wurzeln zurückgekehrt und arbeitet wieder auf eigene Faust als Übersetzerin und Lektorin.

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